Umeå University is delighted to announce a merged meeting of the 16th Nordic Photosynthesis Congress and the 5th Nordic Algae Symposium called From Photosynthesis to Industrial Applications. The conference merges two congresses dealing with important questions for a sustainable future, enhancing interdisciplinary discussions, creating new networks and enhancing future research. It will bring together excellent teams from academia and industry, and focuses on advances of photosynthetic organisms ranging from cyanobacteria, micro- and seaweed to higher plants. Five of the conference sessions will be common to both conferences, meanwhile five will be parallel specialized to either basic photosynthesis or industrial applications of algal research. The conference participants can freely choose, which session they attend.
You can submit your abstract to the conference here until May 1th, following the template.
Please register yourself for the conference by clicking on the link: Registration
Agenda and more information about the conference here.