
Look for the chance for you and your projects

External funding

CCU for the production of fuels

Proposals will aim at the development of energy-efficient and economically and environmentally viable CO2 conversion technologies, including energy storage and/or displacement of fossil fuels that allow for upscaling in the short to medium term. Proposals have to define ambitious but achievable targets for energy requirements of the conversion process (including catalytic conversion), production costs and product yields that will be used to monitor project implementation. Proposals have to include the potential for the proposed CCU solution(s) as CO2 mitigation option through conducting an LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) in line with guidelines developed by the Commission, such as the Innovation Fund GHG methodology and the relevant ISO standards and the EU Taxonomy Regulation.





    Deadline: 4 February 2025

    Read more about this Fund Call here.

    CETPartnership Joint Call 2024

    This call is co-funded under the CETPartnership to cover different topics and RDI types. The Call is structured into Call Modules, aimed at different energy technologies and/or systems as well as both research and innovation oriented approaches on different Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs), complementing and completing each other.

    Read more about these initiatives here.

    Deadline for pre-proposal submission:
    21 November 2024


    Read more about this fund call here.

    Development of next generation synthetic renewable fuel technologies

    Project results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:

    • Increase availability of disruptive emerging synthetic renewable fuel technologies.
    • Accelerate the readiness of cost-effective and highly performing future technologies of synthetic renewable fuels for all economy sectors.
    • Reinforce the European scientific basis and European technology export potential for synthetic renewable fuel technologies.


    Deadline: 4 February 2025

    Read more about this Fund Call here.

    EIC Pathfinder Challenges, ”Solar-to-X” devices Towards cement and concrete as a carbon sink

    in 2024, the EIC will dedicate one of its Pathfinder challenges to the field of fossil-free fuels and chemicals: Solar-to-X devices for the decentralized prosumption of renewable fuels,chemicals and materials as climate change mitigation pathway

    The goal is to make progress towards synthetic fuels and chemical technologies integrating all necessary conversion steps into a single device, solely and directly driven by solar energy.


    Deadline: 16 October 2024

    Read more about this Fund Call here.

    DACCS and BECCS for CO2 removal/negative emissions

    The project is expected to develop highly innovative CCUS /carbon negative technologies leading to CO2 removal. It should enable the cost-effective deployment of technologies such as (DACCS), (BECCS) ideally linking them to industrial clusters with special emphasis of these technologies to safe CO2 underground storage and CO2 utilisation.



    Deadline: 4 February 2025

    Read more about this Fund Call here.

    Funding and support services for the photonics EU ecosystem

    PhotonHub Europe  is a pan-European photonics innovation hub funded by EU’s Horizon 2020 program, which helps European SMEs and mid-caps to increase competitiveness through an accelerated deployment of photonics-based technologies (downloadable leaflet). PhotonHub’s sister program, ACTPHAST for Researchers, is specifically designed to providing access for photonics and non-photonics researchers to the advanced photonics technology platforms.

    Read more about these initiatives here. 

    Endorsement letter

    Are you preparing a proposal and your project falls in the scope of sustainable fuels and chemicals?

    Get a suport letter from SUNERGY to enhance your project’s proposal!

    You can now apply for a SUNERGY support letter for your project if it fits the SUNERGY scope and if at least half of the consortium members are SUNERGY supporters (or Energy-X / SUNRISE supporters who want to become SUNERGY supporters). Please get in touch with us via contact@sunergy-initiative.eu. We will need information about the call, an abstract and a description of the consortium to decide if the project is aligned with the initiative’s goals. Please, send the information at least two weeks before the call deadline.

    Jobs outside

    Professor or Assistant / Associate Professor (tenure track) in Hydrogen Technologies

    The Faculty of Technology at the University of Turku is looking for a Professor or an Assistant / Associate Professor (tenure track) in Hydrogen technologies who wants to join in building a new area of expertise at the University of Turku. The professorship is positioned at the Faculty of Technology in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering or the Department of Life Technologies.

    The Faculty of Technology is a young and dynamic faculty with an extensive external project portfolio, which includes ERC grants. We are aiming for a start date during the fall 2024 but we are flexible.

    More information to apply here.

    Deadline: 5/2/2024 

    1-2 doctoral researchers or postdoctoral researcher positions in algal biomass processing and plant protection

    The University of Turku is developing a circular bioeconomy business model under the REALM EU Horizon Europe Innovation Action umbrella. The goal is to create an innovative, sustainable and cost-effective algal production system with a focus on its valorisation as plant protection products. For more information, please visit https://realmalgae.eu.  The research will be conducted in close collaboration with international academic and industrial partners and local greenhouse producers.

    Operate a large photobioreactor in the beautiful Rusissalo Botanical Garden and contribute to the development of innovative agrochemicals and their effects on crops. You will have an excellent network with the top European researchers and companies in the algae sector.

    More information to apply here.

    Deadline: 22/1/2024