
The Coordination and Support Action powered by the SUNERGY Community

The main achievements of the SUNER-C CSA are the continuous development of solar fuels and chemicals at reduced costs, the formation of an eco-system to speed-up technology deployment from lab to industry, and the preparation of a large-scale R&I initiative. Those scientific, technological and socio-economic impacts will contribute to the EU and global climate energy goals.

Take a look at them and do not hesitate to contact us for inquiries, suggestions and improvements!

Strategic R&I Agenda

Technological Roadmap

Scientific-technical papers

SUNER-C Deliverables

SUNERGY Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda

Based on the SUNRISE Technological Roadmap, the Energy-X Research Needs report and Mission Innovation’s IC5 report, a core working group has merged and developed these ideas into the SUNERGY’s Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda on Solar Fuels and Chemicals (SRIA).

Go through the document and get a say 📢

SUNER-C Technological Roadmap

Building upon the work done in SUNERGY’s SRIA, SUNER-C Technological Roadmap will build an all-agreed roadmap defining activities and milestones across the period 2022-2050 to resolve bottle-neck issues in value chains and reach the overall vision of SUNER-C.

The foundation stone of the technological roadmap took place during the Joint Roadmapping Workshop (14&15 June 2022), where expert groups gathered together to explore how to overcome R&I roadblocks, and the technological routes towards achieving the SUNER-C objectives.

This is an open procedure, so take a look at the expert groups and join the process ⚙️

Scientific-technical papers

Our holistic group of experts are working on scientific and technical papers to redesign current technologies and processes for the resource-efficient conversion and storage of renewable (solar) energies and abundant feedstocks into fuels and chemicals, considering technology acceptance, digitalization, industrial resilience and equal opportunity.

The chemical engineering aspects of CO2 capture, combined with its utilisation

Gabriele Centi, Siglinda Perathoner

SUNER-C Deliverables

Check out the public deliverables coming out from our Work Packages 👇

WP1 – Creation of an R&I community and eco-system

D1.1 – Shared Vision

D1.2 – Draft of community mapping & ecosystem

WP2 – Ongoing Research Activities in the EU

D2.1 – List of Projects in the portfolio at mid-term

WP3 – Long-term technological roadmap

D3.1 – Technological Roadmap

WP4 – Innovation and Exploitation

D4.1 – Exploitation and innovation plan

WP5 – Dissemination, communication and education

D5.1 Visual Identity

D5.2 Communication & Dissemination Strategy Plan

D5.3 Website Development

D5.4 Education and learning resource platform

D5.6 Updated Communication and Dissemination plan

WP6 – Socio-technical and cross-cutting aspects

D6.1 – Identification of important socio-technical cross-cutting issues and relevant stakeholders

WP7 – Large-scale R&I initiative beyond the CSA

 D7.1 – Scenarios and instruments for a LSRI

D7.2 – Workshop for industrial stakeholders

WP8 – Project Management and coordination

D8.2 Interim Progress Report 1

D8.5 Updated Risk Management Report