ENERGY-X and SUNRISE merging announcement
Aug 22, 2020 | News, SUNERGY
On August 20, SUNRISE and ENERGY-X representatives took part in the panel discussion of the session: “The Energy-Chemistry Nexus: Towards a European Sustainable Energy & Catalysis Research Initiative”, organized by ENERGY-X. The session was held during the 14th European Congress on Catalysis, EuropaCat 2019, celebrated in Aachen (Germany) from 18 – 23 August, 2019.
During the panel discussion of the session, participants of both initiatives announced the joint cooperation between ENERGY-X and SUNRISE as a major step towards building a climate neutral EU. We will both continue to pursue our own roadmapping actions until February 2020, when we plan to merge in a new initiative, with a new name.
Jens Nørskov, ENERGY-X coordinator, moderated the round table formed by six representatives. While SUNRISE was represented by Frédéric Chandezon and Hervé Bercegol (both from CEA), as well as Maximilian Fleischer (Siemens AG); Bert Weckhuysen (Utrecht University), Gabriele Centi (University of Messina) and Robert Schlögl (Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society), spoke on behalf of ENERGY-X.
Frédéric Chandezon: “Our cooperation with ENERGY-X is founded on a mutual commitment to a sustainable future. To achieve shared European values and tackle global warming, we must create synergies, coordinate responses and measure progress together”.
Both projects share common goals for the conversion of renewable energies into alternative fuels and chemicals. Currently, ENERGY-X and SUNRISE are working together towards a common Manifesto.
Bert Weckhuysen: “If we want Europe to move to a net-zero carbon economy and take a leading position in the world, we need to do a lot on all types of energy capture, storage and conversion. Climate change is a global problem and both academia and industry need to be on the same page to abate it”.
The conference, organised by the Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (DECHEMA), provided a great opportunity to the SUNRISE and ENERGY-X participants to discuss scientific progress of both initiatives under the motto “Catalysis without Borders”, counting with more than 200 speakers and 1500 attendees from industry and academia.
We would like to thank DECHEMA organisers for making this valuable opportunity available to all of us. More updates on this fresh joint cooperation will follow soon!