European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) Fall Meeting

Politechnika Warszawska plac Politechniki 1, 00-661, Warszawa, Poland

The 2022 E-MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit was held in Warsaw University of Technology, from September 19 to 21 (exhibition) and September 19 to 22 (technical sessions). The conference consisted of 16 parallel symposia with invited speakers, oral and poster presentations and a plenary session to provide an international forum for discussing recent advances in the field of materials science.

LCA to CCUS & Alternative Fuels (AF) workshop

Online workshop

The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) & Alternative Fuels (AF) online workshop will take place on the 15-16th of December. CCUS & AF have a significant potential to achieve important societal goals such as mitigating GHG emissions or even reaching negative GHG emissions. To demonstrate that emerging CCUS & AF […]

2nd Greenering International Conference

Conde Ansúrez Conference Center C. Real de Burgos, s/n, Valladolid, Spain

The COST Action 18224 GREENERING is announcing the the 2nd GREENERING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE which will be held in Valladolid (Spain) from March 21-23, 2023. The conference, which has been co-organised by the COST Action GREENERING (Green Chemical Engineering Network towards upscaling sustainable processes) and BioEcoUVa (The Institute of Bioeconomy of University of Valladolid), has the […]

9th Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue

Federal Foreign Office Werderscher Markt 1, Berlin, Germany

The Federal Foreign Office and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action are jointly hosting the 9th Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue on 28-29 March 2023 under the slogan "Energiewende – Securing a Green Future". At a time of both great opportunity and great uncertainty in the energy sector and the world at large, […]

Sustainable and Low Carbon Fuels and Chemicals: Time for Take Off

Maison Irène et Frédéric Joliot-Curie Rue du Trône 100, Ixelles - Brussels, MI, Belgium

📢 On 13th of April, the Maison Irène et Frédéric Joliot Curie in Brussels hosted an in-person event organized by CEA titled “Sustainable and low carbon fuels and chemicals – Time for take-off”. 🌱⛽ Sustainable and low carbon fuels will play an essential role in achieving the European Union’s ambitious energy transition objectives and reaching net zero by […]


Conference on CO2-based fuels & chemicals 2023

Maternushaus Kardinal-Frings-Str. 1-3, Köln (Cologne), Germany

CO2 Value Europe is the premium partner at the nova “Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals” which is one of the most established worldwide and has developed into a unique meeting and networking place for the entire Carbon Capture & Utilisation (CCU) and Power-to-X industry and its customers. The upcoming 10th edition of this conference […]

2023 CCUS TEA/LCA Workshop

Rackham Graduate School at the University of Michigan 915 E Washington St, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

​We are excited to announce that the Global CO2 Initiative will host the 2023 TEA/LCA Workshop on Harmonizing CCUS Assessments on May 16-18 this year! This fifth workshop in the series is planned and conducted by the International CCUS Assessment Harmonization Group with members from the USA (GCI at U-M, NETL, NREL, ANL), Canada (NRC), Germany (RIFS, formerly known as IASS), Switzerland (ETH Zürich), and […]


Driving Net-Zero Industry Transformation: From Plan To Action Conference

Berlin Berlin, Germany

The Driving Net-Zero Industry Transformation: From Plan To Action conference will enable participants to advance their sustainable operation strategies and carbon-neutral expectations. This event provides an opportunity to get ahead with the transition to net zero operations, contributing in an open and engaging environment to discuss, benchmark, and capitalise on actionable insights to be part […]

From Photosynthesis to Industrial Applications – 16th Nordic Photosynthesis Congress and 5th Nordic Algae Symposium

Umeå University

Umeå University is delighted to announce a merged meeting of the 16th Nordic Photosynthesis Congress and the 5th Nordic Algae Symposium called From Photosynthesis to Industrial Applications. The conference merges two congresses dealing with important questions for a sustainable future, enhancing interdisciplinary discussions, creating new networks and enhancing future research. It will bring together excellent […]