Driving Net-Zero Industry Transformation: From Plan To Action Conference

Berlin Berlin, Germany

The Driving Net-Zero Industry Transformation: From Plan To Action conference will enable participants to advance their sustainable operation strategies and carbon-neutral expectations. This event provides an opportunity to get ahead with the transition to net zero operations, contributing in an open and engaging environment to discuss, benchmark, and capitalise on actionable insights to be part […]

VIVALDI Workshop – Turning CO2 into Long Chain Organic Acids with Biological Systems

Press Club Brussels Europe Rue Froissart 95, Bruxelles, Belgium

In response to the ongoing climate crisis and the increasing need for renewable resources, the recycling of CO2 into a feedstock is becoming an interesting solution. CO2 can in fact be captured and transformed into raw material, contributing to a decrease in industries' carbon emissions and their dependency on fossil imports. The VIVALDI workshop "Turning CO2 into Long Chain […]

10th CEWEP Waste-to-Energy Congress 2023

Berlin Berlin, Germany

In June 2023 CEWEP returns with its 10th Waste-to-Energy Congress. The event will focus on the role the Waste-to-Energy sector will play in achieving the EU’s environmental, energy and climate goals. Knowledgeable speakers from the European Commission, German Ministry of Environment, UNECE, prominent academics, municipal authorities, WtE operators and communication experts will discuss waste, energy and […]

From Photosynthesis to Industrial Applications – 16th Nordic Photosynthesis Congress and 5th Nordic Algae Symposium

Umeå University

Umeå University is delighted to announce a merged meeting of the 16th Nordic Photosynthesis Congress and the 5th Nordic Algae Symposium called From Photosynthesis to Industrial Applications. The conference merges two congresses dealing with important questions for a sustainable future, enhancing interdisciplinary discussions, creating new networks and enhancing future research. It will bring together excellent […]

Introducing Power to Liquids & eFuels for Sustainable Aviation Fuel Production

Online workshop

The importance of sustainability in aviation has grown over the past decade as the industry strives to achieve ambitious decarbonisation goals. New regulations, technologies and innovations will all contribute to the greening of the skies, but the solution seen as the most impactful is Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF). This course will uncover the latest developments, […]

Europacat 2023

Prague Congress Centre 5. května 1640/65, Nusle, Prague, Czech Republic

The 15th edition of the biannual congress of the European Federation of Catalysis Societies (EFCATS), EuropaCat, will be held in August 2023 in the Prague Congress Centre, Prague, Czech Republic. The conference will be, for the first time, jointly organized by the catalysis societies of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. EuropaCat has become a traditional […]

Decarbonisation in Shipping: Europe 2023

Hamburg Hamburg, Germany

ACI’s Decarbonisation in Shipping: Europe 2023 will be taking place in Hamburg, Germany, on the 6th & 7th September 2023. The two day event will bring together key industry stakeholders from the maritime and energy industry, regulatory and policy officers, consultants, solution and technology providers. The conference will provide in-depth looks into the transition towards decarbonisation through […]

European Material Research Society – Fall Meeting 2023

Warsaw University of Technology Central Campus - Warsaw University of TechnologyPl. Politechniki 1, Warsaw, Poland

The 2023 Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) will take place from September 18 to 21, 2023 at the main campus of the University of Technology in Warsaw (Poland) and will consist of parallel symposia with invited speakers, oral and poster presentations assorted by one plenary session to provide an international forum for discussing recent advances […]

AMI2030 SRIA Kick-off Event


After the release of the Roadmap and the Strategic Materials Agenda (SMA), you probably noticed the “Innovative Materials for EU” proposal in the list of 10 proposals for new candidate European Partnerships under Horizon Europe that the EC presented in July to Member States and Associated Countries. Without waiting for a decision (expected by the end of 2024) on […]

11th International Freiberg Conference on Circular Carbon Technologies

Rotterdam Hotel nhow - Wilhelminakade 137, Netherlands

This event is organised by the Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering (IEC) at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany). It focuses on the opportunities, challenges, and developments in circular carbon and hydrogen technologies for the transition towards a net-zero carbon economy via recirculation of carbon-containing waste streams into the production cycle i.e. Waste-to-Products for decarbonization and zero waste. Joining this event will provide an interactive discussion […]

London Climate Technology Show 2023

ExCel London Royal Victoria Dock, 1 Western Gateway, London E16 1XL,, London, United Kingdom

The London Climate Technology Show 2023 which will be taking place from 26-27 September 2023 in ExCel London, UK. It is a highly esteemed event that unites the entire climate technology community. In light of the escalating climate concerns, the need to address this situation has become more urgent. This event presents an exceptional opportunity to engage […]