Presentations Day 1
Welcome by the SUNERGY coordinators
Prof. Bert Weckhuysen, Utrecht University
Dr. Frédéric Chandezon, CEA
Why the carbon neutral energy transition will imply the use of lots of carbon?
Dr. Jan Mertens, ENGIE
E-fuels for the energy transition? A system level vision
Dr. Falko Ueckerdt, Potdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
International cooperation for Renewable Fuels: Mission innovation case study
Dr. Philippe Schild, EC DG RTD
Energy-Technology-Economy nexus: from observation of the past to forecasts of the global energy transition
Dr. Hervé Bercegol, CEA
Current status of techno-economic assessment methodology and its importance for industry and EU R&I projects
Dr. Miet Van Dael, VITO
Life cycle assessment as a tool to evaluate emerging technologies
Dr. Ivan Muñoz, 2.0 LCA consultants
Presentations Day 2
The future of electrolyzer for the novel energy system: the importance of integration
Prof. Maximilian Fleischer, Siemens Energy