EVENT SUMMARY: Séminaire ANCRE-SUNER-C: comment promouvoir la filière des carburants et molécules de commodité alternatifs en France et en Europe?

📅 Last 28th of March, SUNER-C and the French National Alliance on Energy Research #ANCRE co-organized an online event titled “Séminaire ANCRE-SUNER-C: comment promouvoir la filière des carburants et molécules de commodité alternatifs en France et en Europe?”

🌍 The event brought together French stakeholders from the SUNERGY community and beyond to inform, involve, and mobilize the French research community on the ongoing SUNER-C project. Approximately 80 people registered for the event.

🎤 The event began with introductory words by the current head of the ANCRE Alliance, Pierre-Franck Chevet (chairman and CEA of IFP Energies nouvelles), followed by Frederic Chandezon, deputy coordinator of SUNERGY and SUNER-C, presented the initiative and project and explained how attendees can contribute to shape a future around solar fuels and chemicals in the European agendas. Two representatives from the French Ministry of Research and Higher Education, Annabelle Rondaud and Xavier Montagne, also gave insight into the topic and how SUNERGY contributed and can contribute.

🔬 The event continued with seven scientific and technical presentations to share their vision and the current challenges they identify in the field of solar fuels and chemicals and Carbon Capture and Use. These were presented by representatives of French academias, RTOs and networks (Centre national de la recherche scientifiqueCommissariat a l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies AlternativesIFP Energies nouvellesUniversité Grenoble Alpes), networks and Hubs (GDR Solar Fuels funded by CNRS and AXELERA Auvergne-Rhône Alpes Chemistry-Environnment Hub) and industrials (ENGIEVICAT).

👏 As concluding messages, representatives of ANCRE, the French Ministry of Research and Higher Education, and SUNERGY/SUNER-C emphasized the diversity and dynamism of the French community and eco-system in the field of solar fuels and chemicals and CCU, and the importance of the field in pushing it further in the European agendas.

🌟 Overall, the event was a great success, providing valuable insights into the current state of solar fuels and chemicals in France and Europe and showcasing the importance of collaboration and community involvement in driving progress in the field.

👉 Join us in our efforts to shape a sustainable future!


Posted on

March 30, 2023

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