Unlocking the renewable energy future

Fossil-free fuels and chemicals for a climate-neutral Europe

SUNER-C is a new EU-funded CSA (Coordination and Support Action) under the umbrella of SUNERGY community. This CSA, with 4M € funding for 3 years that started on June 1st 2022, will enable the creation of an innovation ecosystem, develop a technological roadmap and prepare for a large-scale research and innovation (R&I) initiative on solar fuels and chemicals.

The consortium is formed of 30 industry, academic, societal and network organizations in 12 countries. The consortium partners will work on community building, shaping a technological roadmap, portfolio of EU projects, coordination with other EU initiatives, international cooperation and preparing a large-scale R&I initiative. This CSA will allow stakeholders to connect and collaborate towards the development of solar fuels and chemicals.

Who we are

SUNERGY is a pan-European initiative working to enable a circular economy through the sustainable production of fossil-free fuels and base chemicals from renewable energy (sunlight, wind) and abundant molecules (CO2, water, nitrogen).

Our approach is based on scientific breakthroughs tightly coupled to scale-up by increasing the technological readiness of renewable conversion technologies for the large-scale sustainable manufacturing of hydrogen, synthetic hydrocarbons, and ammonia.

Ultimately, SUNERGY aims to become a large European Research and Innovation initiative working towards converting and storing renewable energy into fossil-free fuels and chemicals, complementing the scope of existing European partnerships.

Potential impacts


Aggregate fragmented knowledge and develop the framework conditions to overcome scientific, technological, organizational and socioeconomic challenges to accelerate innovation and enable the required transition of technologies for solar fuels and chemicals from laboratory or demonstrator level to large-scale industrial and broad societal application

Towards a circular economy revalorising waste products to added-value fuels & chemicals

Reducing GHG emissions in alignment with the EU Green Deal

Enhancing scientific breakthroughs tightly coupled to scale-up

Accelerate the development and implementation of technologies at the EU

News & Events

Showcasing MyLeaf innovation at NWO NERA Energy Symposium

Showcasing MyLeaf innovation at NWO NERA Energy Symposium

SUNER-C hosts three events in Paris to shape the future of solar fuels and chemicals

SUNER-C hosts three events in Paris to shape the future of solar fuels and chemicals

SUNER-C co-organises three events in Madrid focused on the future of sustainable fuels

SUNER-C co-organises three events in Madrid focused on the future of sustainable fuels

New EIC publication: The future of Solar-to-X. Harnessing renewables for a sustainable future

New EIC publication: The future of Solar-to-X. Harnessing renewables for a sustainable future

Industry, policy and research stakeholders gather at the SUNER-C workshop to discuss innovations in solar fuels and chemicals

Industry, policy and research stakeholders gather at the SUNER-C workshop to discuss innovations in solar fuels and chemicals

SUNER-C and SUNERGY co-organized the event “Harnessing Renewables for a Sustainable Future”

SUNER-C and SUNERGY co-organized the event “Harnessing Renewables for a Sustainable Future”

A perspective for net-zero oil refineries published in Nature

A perspective for net-zero oil refineries published in Nature

4th SUNER-C Consortium Meeting in Utrecht

4th SUNER-C Consortium Meeting in Utrecht

EVENT SUMMARY: Uppsala University Conference on Sunlight- and Power-to-X: Solar Fuels, Electrofuels, Green Hydrogen and CO2-valorization

EVENT SUMMARY: Uppsala University Conference on Sunlight- and Power-to-X: Solar Fuels, Electrofuels, Green Hydrogen and CO2-valorization

Yearly General Assembly, WP6 Stakeholder Dialogue Workshop and 3rd Consortium Meeting

Yearly General Assembly, WP6 Stakeholder Dialogue Workshop and 3rd Consortium Meeting

EVENT SUMMARY: Transition pathway toward sustainable fossil-free fuels and base chemicals – a SUNERGY regional meeting

EVENT SUMMARY: Transition pathway toward sustainable fossil-free fuels and base chemicals – a SUNERGY regional meeting

Sustainable fuels: what role for Europe’s energy mix? – A round table organized by SUNERGY

Sustainable fuels: what role for Europe’s energy mix? – A round table organized by SUNERGY

ICIQ successfully unmasks CO₂ at the 16th “Festa de la Ciència” of Barcelona

ICIQ successfully unmasks CO₂ at the 16th “Festa de la Ciència” of Barcelona

EVENT SUMMARY: “Sustainable and low carbon fuels and chemicals – Time for take-off”

EVENT SUMMARY: “Sustainable and low carbon fuels and chemicals – Time for take-off”

EVENT SUMMARY: Séminaire ANCRE-SUNER-C: comment promouvoir la filière des carburants et molécules de commodité alternatifs en France et en Europe?

EVENT SUMMARY: Séminaire ANCRE-SUNER-C: comment promouvoir la filière des carburants et molécules de commodité alternatifs en France et en Europe?

Prof. James Durrant receives CBE award for his contribution to photochemistry and solar energy research

Prof. James Durrant receives CBE award for his contribution to photochemistry and solar energy research

SunerC Vision Workshop and 2nd Consortium Meeting

SunerC Vision Workshop and 2nd Consortium Meeting

Interview in Business AM

Interview in Business AM

SUNERGY Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda

SUNERGY Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda

EIC Horizon Prize on Artificial Photosynthesis 2022

EIC Horizon Prize on Artificial Photosynthesis 2022



NEW! EU Strategic Research and Innovation Plan for safe and sustainable Chemicals and Materials

NEW! EU Strategic Research and Innovation Plan for safe and sustainable Chemicals and Materials

SUNER-C appears in deVolksrant!

SUNER-C appears in deVolksrant!

Kick-off Meeting of SUNER-C

Kick-off Meeting of SUNER-C

SUNER-C gets announced in the local radio!

SUNER-C gets announced in the local radio!

Joint Roadmapping Workshop 14&15 June 2022

Joint Roadmapping Workshop 14&15 June 2022

SUNER-C takes off

SUNER-C takes off

Interview with Joanna Kargul

Interview with Joanna Kargul

CO2 Value Europe & SUNERGY brokerage event

CO2 Value Europe & SUNERGY brokerage event

SUNERGY at Nanoinnovation 2021

SUNERGY at Nanoinnovation 2021

Industrial Board Kick-off Meeting

Industrial Board Kick-off Meeting

SUNERGY Online Workshop Sweden

SUNERGY Online Workshop Sweden

SUNERGY Online Workshop France

SUNERGY Online Workshop France

SUNERGY 2nd Industrial Webinar

SUNERGY 2nd Industrial Webinar

SUNERGY Online Workshop Poland

SUNERGY Online Workshop Poland

Final countdown for Horizon Europe

Final countdown for Horizon Europe

Changes in the SUNERGY Executive Board

Changes in the SUNERGY Executive Board

1st SUNERGY Industrial Webinar

1st SUNERGY Industrial Webinar

SUNERGY Online Workshop The Netherlands

SUNERGY Online Workshop The Netherlands

Europe’s next long-term budget and NextGenerationEU

Europe’s next long-term budget and NextGenerationEU

ENERGY-X and SUNRISE merging announcement

ENERGY-X and SUNRISE merging announcement

A Hydrogen Strategy for a Climate-Neutral Europe

A Hydrogen Strategy for a Climate-Neutral Europe

German National Hydrogen Strategy

German National Hydrogen Strategy

SUNERGY Kick-off Event

SUNERGY Kick-off Event

SUNERGY Community

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